In no particular order (other than the :'<'>sort u
ordering after I ran
grep -r -o "[^\"]\+/[^\"]\+" "$HOME/.config/nvim/"
to find
these in my config files)
Lua snip lets you define and trigger snippets in a really powerful way.
Tags on steroids - [makes it super easy to change buffers & ‘tag’ buffers](https://github.com/makes it super easy to change buffers & ‘tag’ buffers)
Treesitter is a marvel. It parses your grammar, allowing you to render the language properly (syntax highlighting works!!)..but also allows you to do some other funky things like make vim text objects.
Other cool plugins related to treesitter include
Fugitive is not perfect, but it’s pretty close. It can do a load of Git stuff natively from within vim.
Some other git-based plugins include:
Renders a cool markdown preview
Reminds you which key does what… and also provides a pretty decent global way to define keybindings.
Provides a good ‘emacs kill ring’ substitute
Totally crazy way of drawing in neovim.
There are alternatives, but this one lets me seamlessly navigate between vim splits and kitty panes.
emacs keybindings FTW. Sometimes I like using readline shortcuts in insert mode.
Makes dealing with JSON / yaml a little more tollerable.
to esc
.. .but in a nicer way.
Turn loads of code / files into a repl in a magical way ✨
zk is a nice plain text note-taking assistant. The nvim integration is sweet.
A fairly comprehensive testing framework. Using extra plugins (eg. nvim-neotest/neotest-go), you can add shortcuts to “test the entire file” or “run the test my cursor’s over”
LSP is a must. It’s kind of fiddly to set up, though.
Commenting as it should be.
A neovim tour-de-force of engineering. This gives a nice frontend for searching.
I like these plugins
This is the successor of Null-ls, which allows you to add things like linting, formatting and code actions super easily using a standardised API. Null-ls has been deprecated now. This seems to be a community effort to continue the good work!
jayp0521/mason-null-ls.nvim works well with this,
HTTP is so much better in plain-text, rather than in Postman / Insomnia.
My favourite file manager - everything is just a plain old nvim buffer
Tpope is an old-school vim legend. These other plugins are also really good
Mason lets you easily install LSPs and other dependencies. It works
great with williamboman/mason-lspconfig.nvim
Github Copilot integration in vim ❤️ Useful with